Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Best Buddies

Since we have had Maxton, a common question seems to be "How are the dogs handling having a baby around?" And we always answer that they are handling the adjustment pretty well. Bob is kind of oblivious to the fact that Maxton is even there, and Gracie is definetly curious, but has usually kept her distance. We always watch pretty closely when the dogs are around Maxton and they are good about being calm when we do let them get close to him.
Today I was playing on the floor with Maxton when Gracie (who loves to cuddle) decided that she was going to get to know Maxton a little better. I couldn't help but take pictures- it was so funny to watch Gracie lay next to the blanket very innocently and then inch her way closer and closer until she was cuddling with Maxton.


Ryan and Jill said...

The picture where Gracie is sleeping next to Maxton is cute!!

Usually Kristen sometimes Kevin said...

That is pretty awesome. I get nervous when Kristen's family's dog gets near madison because he is so hyper, but most of the time he is good except that one time when he grabbed the foot of her pj and rolled her over. It was hilarious. Anyway can't wait to come meet the dogs and Maxton.

Matt and Janae said...

How cute is that! I love the one with her head resting on Maxton's belly. Oh...and his new pic at the top of the page is adorable! I can't wait to see him again!

Boise Mom said...

Ah...so cute!
Even me, the non-pet lover, thinks this is very cute.

Love that little Maxton! He is such a cutie!

Julie Barnes said...

That made me laugh when I saw it, especially the last picture! That is good the dogs are so good with him. He is getting so big! Such a stud! We miss you guys!

Haley Marie said...

that is so cute!! It makes me feel good about having a baby with my dogs! haha maxton is adorable!! he is going to be one HOTTIE!