Saturday, August 15, 2009


Here's a few fun things that have been going on this summer-
I left Max in the bathtub while I put a few things away, and when I came back a minute later, he was proudly showing off his new talent- I now think twice about leaving him in the tub unattended!
While Jeff's family was all here visiting, they decided to have some fun at the park- This is what was seen on one end of the park-
As James launched the ballons, Jeff and his brothers were ready and waiting a few hundred feet away with bike helmets on trying to hit the water balloon with their heads. It was pretty funny~
Max looked cool chillin in the cadillac at toys R us-
He got to sit on his first 4 wheeler- Looks like he's destined to be a rider!
Max had fun spashing in the bath with his cousin Addison! She had fun scooping the water and dumping it out of the tub-

Max doesn't look very excited in this picture, but he loved playing with Alyse and Lexi in the pool- They were great at entertaining him!

Max learned a few weeks ago how to stand up in the crib- He now stands up and throws his binky and then gets really upset- Such a fun new trick!

After a hot day at work, Daddy came home and joined Max in the little pool out back- We've only used the pool twice because after taking half an hour to get Max and myself all dressed in swimsuits and sunscreened up, he was only interested in splashing around for about 10 minutes!

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